I love to write, and I wish to find more excuses to do so. If you are looking for a writer, to collaborate with on one of your projects, perhaps someone with a degree of enthusiasm for research, collecting facts and storytelling with the results. Or, someone with a silly and curious imagination for non-fiction writing - then please do get in touch. It would bring me a great joy to hone this craft further, as well as meet another like-minded individual trying to illuminate a shadow spot in our collective knowledge of what this is, this delicately woven tapestry of our collective human existence.
My experience today has been a patchwork of projects, wide-ranging and unique. I began writing my own stories and scripts, comic books - sometimes poetry - and that led me to a wonderful creative place, where more often than not imagination meets the truth. I found in this midsection was something curious that resonated with me on a deeper level, so I continued to persue it.
Inspired by visonaries such as Atwood, Pullman, Del Toro… I would encounter a wonderful woman named Cristina Palmer-Romero. She was the first to ask me to co-write, and it was a wonderful collaborative process from the start. I was invited into a collective called “Create50”, the brainchild of Director Chris Jones (Founder of the London Screenwriter’s Festival) to proof read a book called, “Twisted50”. The book was a series of juicy horror shorts written by a plethora of talented storytellers. I had the priviledge of filling my commutes dotting I’s and crossing T’s, before writing my own piece - a love-letter to the collaborators and writers of the book entitled “Confessions of a horror-junkie”. the piece outlined my adventures editing these stories and connecting with these brilliant minds from across the world all in the name of a gripping, sometimes grotesque, horror story.
I went on to edit the second book in the series, ‘The Singularity’. The book, ironically, discusses where the world may head if “in the future”, the intelligence of AI surpasses the intelligence of man. To anyone that goes looking for this book, expect horror in two parts. Firstly, in the tonality of many of the short stories you will find taking residence there - the future does not pan out well for humankind, lets put it that way. The second horror comes retrospectively, when you realise how far set in the future the stories are set. We thought we had longer. Instead, we are brushing shoulders with it here and now, only 5 or 6 years after the book was published.
As the final edits were bing made, Chris invited me to write the foreword. It became a task of mine to mirror within the words, the lens through which I had begun to percieve our world given my growing experience as a documentarian looking into subjects such as cliamte change, the water crisis… the migration crisis.
Unfortunately bleak - yet curious of what may lie ahead… and still hopeful for solutions.
I continued to write, scripts, screenplays, pitch decks. The tone shifted into a more formal, commercial space but ultimately, the writing was attached to another role now. I was a Researcher, Story Producer, Director. I spent much more time translating complex science into chewable, bitesized content. Or searching articles for that gem of a character, that human experience that would help an audience relate to an issue often so large and complex, it was difficult to connect with. While story producing on The Letter, I spent a great deal of time collating and writing stories from articles and journals.
While I enjoyed writing this sort of copy, I also missed the creative flair of fiction writing and after some years, I decided to carve out some time to write a novel, a fictional story I’ve been telling friends since I was small.
All of this to say - I love to write - feel free to reach me if you’d like to talk in more detail about a project, or click below for some sample paragraphs.
Thanks for taking the time.
Jade x